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New Jersey Healthy Corner Store Initiative Set to Expand Following Statewide WIC Trainings

July 8, 2014

The NJ Department of Health (DOH) Chronic Disease unit and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program recently collaborated to increase access to healthier foods in small stores throughout New Jersey. Supported by a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the organizations worked with The Food Trust to create and execute a series of 20 bilingual training sessions that reached all WIC authorized vendors in the state. The trainings took place from April to June 2014 as part of an interactive training session that takes place once every three years in conjunction with NJ WIC programming. Beginning June 1, 2014, New Jersey WIC instituted a new policy requiring all WIC-authorized stores to stock more fresh fruits and vegetables. “With this new policy going into effect, the training provided us a great opportunity to state the business case for the promotion of healthy […]


New ACNJ Report Targets Child Nutrition in Newark

June 24, 2014

When it comes to building healthy communities, we’ve all heard the phrase “It takes a village” many times before. It certainly is true when it comes to the nutritional needs of the children of many cities throughout New Jersey.   This summer, the YMCA of Newark hosted a press conference for the release of a special Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) nutrition report entitled “Heading off Hunger: A Snapshot of Child Nutrition in Newark.” Advocates for Children in New Jersey received financial and technical support from New Jersey Partnership for Healthy Kids and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to collect and analyze data to complete the special report. As part of the research, ACNJ representatives met with groups and individuals to gather data to assess the nutritional status of children in Newark and identify ways to help meet those needs. The report recommendations are outlined below: Recommended Solutions: Increase […]


School Wellness Now a Priority in Vineland Schools

June 11, 2014

The Vineland Board of Education passed the “new and improved” Vineland School District Wellness Policy on June 11. “We commend the Vineland Health Department for working with the school district on this critical commitment that focuses on nutrition quality of foods and beverages sold and served in schools, education about and promotion of nutrition and physical activity with students, parents and staff,” said Lisa Scheetz, New Jersey Partnership for Healthy Kids-Vineland (NJPHK-Vineland) project manager. As a result of the policy, schools will provide healthy and nutritious food, including fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat milk and whole grains. Opportunities for physical activity will be incorporated into other subject lessons and teachers will provide short physical activity breaks between lessons or classes, as appropriate. The board is committed to promoting the School Wellness Policy to all food service personnel, teachers, nurses and other school administrative staff to ensure that they have the […]


Helmets from the Heavens

May 17, 2014

A medevac helicopter from Cooper University Hospital landing on the Elwyn grounds in Vineland was just one fun aspect of the Safety Awareness Bicycle and Scooter Rodeo held on Founder’s Day in Vineland on May 17. The helicopter was filled with bike helmets which were provided for free to the 300 children attending the rodeo. Representatives from the Vineland Police Department, Safe Routes to School and Kids Safe of Southern New Jersey then instructed children and adults in the proper way to strap on the helmets and buckle up for safety. With their helmets on, children were able to navigate a bike course and learn safe techniques for riding bikes and scooters. “It was a fun day that emphasized safe exercise and active outdoor activities,” said Lisa Scheetz, New Jersey Partnership for Healthy Kids-Vineland (NJPHK-Vineland) project manager. Scheetz and NJPHK-Vineland partners worked with various organizations to plan and execute the […]


Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Gardening

May 5, 2014

On May 5th, Paul Robeson Elementary School in Trenton added gardening to its curriculum when students, faculty, parents and members of the community gathered to open an American Heart Association Teaching Garden on the school grounds. The garden is part of an education initiative to help build healthy bodies and minds. Representatives from the American Heart Association, New Jersey Partnership for Healthy Kids-Trenton (NJPHK-Trenton) and Living Hope Empowerment Center (LHEC) joined in the May 5th Plant Day Celebration. Aimed at first- through fifth-graders, the garden will be a hands-on experience enabling children to learn how to plant seeds, nurture growing plants, harvest produce and ultimately understand the value of good eating habits. Garden-themed lessons will teach students about nutrition, math, science and other subjects all while having fun in the fresh air and working with their hands. The Teaching Garden was created using American Heart Association science and nutrition guidelines, […]


Healthy Kids Day Previews Summer Fun in New Jersey

April 26, 2014

Children and their families got a taste of summer at the YMCA’s Healthy Kids Day in April. Healthy Kids Day is a YMCA tradition celebrated across the country. Each year as children begin yearning for summer vacation, local Ys sponsor a safe and healthy play day to preview summer activities and underscore the importance of safety and wellness. The event allows families to try out Y summer programs, which focus on good nutrition and fun physical activity. New Jersey Partnership for Healthy Kids-Vineland (NJPHK-Vineland) helped the Cumberland Cape Atlantic YMCA celebrate its 10th Healthy Kids Day on April 12, in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Vineland. More than 200 children and adults enjoyed the many activities, including a family obstacle course. Adults and children raced one another through an inflatable playground and crawled, jumped and ran through various obstacles to reach the big slide at end. The Y also […]


Opinion: Fighting type 2 diabetes and obesity in the local area

April 5, 2014

Originally published in The Daily Journal Last week, the 2014 New Jersey state report titled “Providing Access to Healthy Solutions — An Analysis of New Jersey’s Opportunities to Enhance Prevention and Management of Type 2 Diabetes” was released. The report, written by PATHS (Providing Access to Healthy Solutions), an initiative led by the Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation of Harvard Law School (CHLPI), provides an overview of the landscape of type 2 diabetes in New Jersey, where approximately 700,000 individuals live with the disease and many others are at risk for developing it, including children. New Jersey ranks No. 3 in the nation for obesity among low-income children ages 2 to 5, of whom 16.6 percent are obese. In Cumberland County, the prevalence of obesity is 33.4 percent. These children are at greater risk of receiving a diabetes diagnosis in their future. This new report is a welcome […]


When Healthy Sells

April 5, 2014

Fresh fruit cups are a best-seller at Andy’s Food Plus at 512 Pennington Avenue in Trenton’s North Ward. The fruit cups debuted in November 2013 when Andres Torres, the store’s proprietor and a member of the New Jersey Partnership for Healthy Kids-Trenton (NJPHK-Trenton) Healthy Corner Store Initiative, began stocking and promoting more healthy food choices. Torres, who grew up in the grocery business and opened his Trenton store seven years ago, likes to eat healthy himself and enjoys making affordable healthy snacks and meals available to his customers. Each morning, he hand-slices enough fresh fruit to fill 50 12-ounce cups. “I try to make something different every day,” Torres explained. “I use mangoes, strawberries, grapes, melons; whatever is fresh and available.” Fruit cups sell for $1.00 and usually are sold out by day’s end. Andy’s Food Plus is one of four stores to sign on with the newly-evolved Trenton Healthy […]


Seed Money from NJPHK Takes Root

April 5, 2014

Many good ideas become one-hit wonders because they don’t get enough support to thrive. Fortunately in Monmouth County, the good idea New Jersey Partnership for Healthy Kids (NJPHK) had when it provided a mini grant to the Monmouth County Health Department back in 2012 has taken hold.  Belmar School’s Board of Education is ensuring that successful healthy initiatives are sustained. They recently funded a teacher advisor for the Belmar school garden, making it an official club. In addition, the Belmar School Health Council is using self-sustaining efforts such as selling vegetable and herb seeds and selling a recipe book from the Belmar Elementary School Healthy Chopped Salad Competition to fund the garden this year. A more healthy approach is being sustained in school cafeterias too. “Food services started taking ingredients from the school garden, such as cucumbers, basil and tomatoes, and incorporating them into cafeteria recipes such as salads and […]


Who Knew Salad Could Be So Much Fun?

April 5, 2014

At Belmar Elementary School, one good idea led to another, and another, until there was a recipe book full of good ideas. After reading a newspaper article about an elementary school’s healthy chopped salad contest, Lisa Lee, field representative for Disease Control and School Health Council project coordinator for the Monmouth County Health Department, shares the story with the School Health Councils at the Belmar Elementary School and the Farmingdale Elementary School. The School Health Council at Belmar ran with it. On February 19, Belmar Elementary students and parents participated in the first Belmar Chopped Healthy Salad Competition. Fifteen children, representing pre-K through 8th grade, created a variety of salads (with some parental assistance) and offered them for tasting by students, parents and judges. The entries were as diverse as the school population. Ingredients included kale, edamame, homemade tortilla chips and sesame seeds, as well as staples like fruit and […]