Originally posted on nj.com
The City of New Brunswick, along with community and collaboration partners held its first Ciclovia for the citizens of its city. Thousands of New Brunswick residents were encouraged to come out on Sunday, October 6th for the free event that took over 3.4 miles of streets with adults and children engaging in leisurely walking, jogging, skating, and dancing. Designed to encourage enjoyment of Downtown New Brunswick, the Ciclovia route exposed participants to many of the city’s attractions, parks and local businesses. It also encouraged people to engage with one another through a variety of activities, including dance, yoga and Zumba classes.
Ciclovia is a Spanish word that means “bike way” and is described as a designated bike route or an event that opens the streets for use by pedestrians and cyclists. Ciclovia began in Bogota, Colombia in 1976, as a way to promote community engagement in public spaces that are free of vehicles.
The free event was a community collaboration and partnership of the City of New Brunswick, New Brunswick Tomorrow, Johnson & Johnson, Rutgers University and the New Jersey Partnership for Healthy Kids-New Brunswick.
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