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5 Tips to Keep Your Holiday Season Healthy

December 5, 2017 | Blog

Holiday FoodWith the holiday season fast approaching, it’s easy to lose sight of healthy habits. Foods rich in fats, sugar, and sodium are in abundance at parties and gatherings which can make these dishes very difficult to avoid.

According to an article on, the average American consumes nearly 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat at just ONE holiday meal. Don’t stress – here are 5 tips to help you keep your holiday dinners healthy and light:

  1. Bring a healthy dish with you – Bringing a dish you whip up yourself is a great way to ensure that at least one thing you eat is healthier!
  2. Eat breakfast – Starting your day off with a healthy balanced meal is always important, why skip it during the holidays?
  3. Know your limits – Stop when you’re full and pop a mint in your mouth. A fresh palette can curb overeating.
  4. Plan some activities – Taking a walk or even playing some volleyball with the kids is a fun way to get up and get away from the appetizers.
  5. Sit with fellow healthy eaters at meal times – Sitting with people who are also eating healthier will help you continue to eat right!


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