Originally publishd in NJBIZ
After several delays in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, public- and private-sector groups were finally able to enjoy the fruits of their labor today with the opening of a new full-service fresh food supermarket in New Brunswick, which represents the urban center’s first successful grocery store development in more than two decades.
The new 50,000-square-foot Fresh Grocer is part of Wellness Plaza, a mixed-use redevelopment project by New Brunswick Development Corp. that includes a 60,000-square-foot fitness center, a 1,275-space parking garage and, eventually, an elevated walkway connected to the train station.
According to Devco President Christopher J. Paladino, Wellness Plaza is the second phase of a three-part plan to redevelop New Brunswick into a transit village. In February, Devco completed the plan’s first phase — a $150 million project to open 650,000 square feet of mixed-use commercial and residential space — and the development firm expects to complete the third phase — an affordable housing complex with street-level retail — in December, Paladino said.
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